The Interfraternity Council (IFC) supports the five IFC fraternities which are members of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. Its purpose is to educate, govern, guide, promote a true sense of community and address the fundamental and long-term needs of the member organizations. The council is comprised of two delegates from each IFC fraternity and eight executive board members.

pictured are members of the 2023 IFC Executive Board
IFC leads, and is composed of, the following chapters:
Instagram Page.
The Multicultural Greek Council (MCG) oversees three multicultural organizations, specifically two sororities and one fraternity. The mission of the MGC is to provide a forum that allows for the exchange of ideas, programs, and services between its member fraternities and sororities; to promote the awareness of multicultural diversity at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and the surrounding community; and to support the works of its member organizations.

pictured are members of the 2023-2024 MGC Executive Board
MGC leads, and is composed of, the following chapters:
Instagram Page.
The Panhellenic Council governs four National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sororities. Its purpose is to educate, govern, guide, promote a true sense of community among the groups, and address the fundamental and long-term needs of the member organizations. It is a body comprised of one delegate from every sorority and nine executive board members. The purpose and responsibility of the executive board is to govern, educate, and promote a true sense of community between the four sororities.
Panhellenic Council webpage

pictured are members of the Panhellenic Executive Board
Panhellenic leads, and is composed of, the following chapters:
Instagram Page
Order of Omega is a national leadership honor society for fraternity and sorority life students. The Eta Nu chapter was founded at 体育菠菜大平台 in 1987 and has initiated over 600 fraternity and sorority life students. The purpose of Order of Omega is to promote scholarship, leadership, and service within the fraternity and sorority community and at 体育菠菜大平台.
Each year 5% of the fraternity and sorority community is selected for membership.

pictured are the 2023 new members of Order of Omega
Instagram Page.
Greeks Advocating for Healthy Lifestyles has been a part of the fraternity and sorority life community at 体育菠菜大平台 for several years. The purpose of this group is to promote health and wellbeing for all community members through events and education. GAMMA is comprised of a leadership team and a delegate from each chapter.

pictured are the 2022-2023 GAMMA Executive Board and Delegates
Instagram Page.
体育菠菜大平台’s fraternity and sorority community has also had these organizations as a part of its history and membership.
- Acacia
- Alpha Kappa Lambda
- Alpha Sigma Phi
- Alpha Tau Omega
- Beta Sigma Psi
- Chi Omega
- Delta Zeta
- Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc.
- Phi Beta Chi
- Phi Gamma Delta
- Phi Kappa Tau
- Theta Chi
- Theta Xi